Love is All You Need
Earlier this year we received a request through our website for a small group of brass players to be part of a ‘Love Actually’ style finale at their daughter’s wedding. The bride -to- be had once joked that if she ever got married then she would love this to happen in the ceremony. This prompted some family members to launch into action and try to organise a surprise version of the song for the happy couple. (If you have no idea what we are talking about then check this video out first
After several secret phone calls, we started to formulate a plan. We met with the vicar and
musical director at All Saint’s Church Hessle and then set about arranging the music for the Beatles Song ‘Love is all You Need.’ The choir were booked, the brass players were booked, all that was needed (aprt from Love of course) was a lead vocalist to sing the song. Our assistant principal cornet player,
Russ was promptly volunteered by his wife to fill that gap, and we were all set.
The All Saints Church Choir meet on a Tuesday evening, so this was a perfect opportunity for us to pop down and rehearse with them as City of Hull Band rehearsals normally take place on a Wednesday and a Sunday.
Some of the family members also attended these rehearsals but as it was a surprise for the bride and groom, they had to come up with a variety of creative excuses to be out of the house on a Tuesday evening!
Rehearsals done and logistics sorted we were finally ready for our flashmob performance.
On the morning of the wedding, we dropped our instruments off early at the church so that none of the congregation knew what we were up to, then headed back to Russ and Wendy’s for a pre Wedding Breakfast.
Suited and booted, we made our way to All Saints Church in the hope that nobody would question who we were and what we were doing there. This was the most nerve
wracking part of the performance, wondering if our cover would be blown.
The bride entered looking stunning and didn’t even flinch as she clapped eyes on six strangers looking shifty at the back of her congregation. The ceremony was beautiful with readings and singing, followed by the signing of the register. This was our cue to sneak to the back and make our preparations.
After the register had been signed and photographs taken the happy couple began to make their way down the aisle. The photographer had been given instructions to block their way and prevent them from walking too far so that we could set the surprise into motion. After an introduction of the Wedding March, the organist segwayed into La Marseilles and the choir launched into the Beatles Song “All You Need is Love”.
There were some confused looks as
Russ made his way down the aisle towards the bride and groom, singing his heart out. The brass team had already sneaked down the wings, ready to play their parts from behind the new Mr and Mrs Kilvington. The whole performance worked like a dream and in the words of the bride “I was so surprised by this movie moment, cannot express how excited I still am over this. The City of Hull Brass Band were amazing, working with our sneaky parents to organise a flash mob surprise.”
This was one of the more unusual requests we had for the band this year, and we were honoured to have been part of the wedding of Emily and Jonathan on Friday 5th July.
If you would like to see the full performance then click the link below:
Love Actually Wedding Surprise